Company name: MotorsElec
Simplified joint-stock company with capital of €7,500
Head office: 160 Route de Cannes 06130 Grasse (France)
RCS Grasse 483 628 798
APE code: 4532Z
Intra-community VAT number: FR79483628798
Telephone: 04 92 92 58 91 (local rate)

Host: OVH France
Head office of the host: Route de la ferme Masson 59820 Gravelines (France)
Phone of the host: 09 72 10 10 07

Information contained on the site
Unless otherwise stipulated, the products and services presented to you on this Site do not constitute an offer to sell but a general presentation of the range of products and services that we distribute in the countries in which the Site is able to deliver.

The hypertext links present on the site and referring to a third-party website cannot engage the responsibility of MotorsElec.

As MotorsElec exercises no control and has no control over the content of any third-party site, the User accesses it under his own responsibility.

MotorsElec is in no way responsible for the content as well as the products or services offered on any third-party site.

Intellectual property
All the elements appearing on the website are protected by French legislation on copyright and trademark law.

All the elements of the site, drawings, graphics, graphic charters, icons, texts, applications, scripts, functionality, as well as their selection or combination appearing at the address are the exclusive property of MotorsElec. The trademarks and logos appearing on the website are the exclusive property of the commercial partners.

Access to the site does not entail any transfer of the aforementioned rights. However, the rights to use the site are only granted in digital form for the purpose of viewing the pages consulted, on a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive basis.

The user is prohibited from copying, reproducing, modifying, distributing, displaying or selling, by any process or form whatsoever, in whole or in part, any element of the site or relating to it, by any process whatsoever. or, and for any other purpose, including for commercial purposes, without the prior written authorization of MotorsElec.

In the event of illegal or unauthorized use of the site, MotorsElec reserves the right to take any appropriate measure it deems necessary and, if necessary, to take any appropriate legal action, and/or report the violation to the authorities. judiciary and police.

Modification of the site and the conditions of use
MotorsElec SARL may modify the content and information included in this Site as well as these Terms of Use, in particular in order to comply with any new applicable legislation and/or regulations and/or in order to improve the Site. Any changes will be incorporated into these Terms of Use.